Update a Xano object list from Adalo?

Hello. I’m building my database in Xano and I’m following this guide to set up my database with correct relations: The Database - Part 2: Querying Data + Xano Basic Database Setup - YouTube

Let’s say I have the exact tables that is shown in the video and in Adalo I want to create a new company and connect several locations to it. So I create a form, add a text for company name and a list for the locations. Every time I click on a location i want it to add it to the object list in xano. Can’t really wrap my head around how to get this to work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Meibe - not sure if I can comment on the Adalo side but here’s one way how you can do this in Xano

Hi there,

I know this topic is 11 months old, but it came us as one of the most relevant ones for my issue when I was looking for help.

I had to work with an Adalo expert on this, but and from our findings the main issue here is not necessarily a Xano one, but an Adalo one.

Adalo does not support sending dynamic (magic text) arrays in any capacity (i.e. in custom actions, query params, etc.)

What this means is that you won’t be able to send many attributes to Xano and filter based on those. You can only send one attribute and filter by it.

But any type of matrix-style filtering where you take many things and filter them by many things is not currently possible in Adalo.

Even if using their own databases this is not possible.

Basically, you’re limited to filtering by one thing at a time

I hope this helps someone else and I hope Adalo prioritizes this given the Adalo 2.0 integration announcement with Xano.

Also, their native Update API needs some work as it uses POST method and even though it says “no change” in Adalo’s UI, you need to put a value in every request otherwise it will overwrite your record with empty values