Update Collection with Zapier - help with Record ID

Having trouble using Adalo app in Zapier to update the collection records. It appears that the Zapier Adalo app Record ID corresponds to ID within Adalo, is there a way to use a different association within the Adalo collection?

Adalo’s ID column is auto generating numbers that cannot be adjusted or changed, and there is no way for the external database to know what these IDs are so the records can be updated.

For example I have DOGS collection in Adalo with “Dog ID”, “Name”, “Information” and the ID which is autogenerated.

In my external CSV file I have exact same fields, xcept the ID column. How can i use the “DOG ID” to map both?

This is a daily workflow that needs to run to update records coming from the external database. I can’t manually retrieve the Adalo IDs each day and place them in the source file as there are hundreds of records.

Formatter is the solution! YES! Search for : FORMATTER inside Zapier . Is a good function to convert data before they arrives on your google sheet for example.

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