Visibility and true/false functions

I set visibility that only logged in vendors can see the EDIT button, I checked database, all is sorted and correct and all buttons are grouped together but the button is still not visible. Any recommendations? Button should appear above sign out button. I did the exact same with upload images button and that button shows. so setting on both buttons are the same but only displays

Screenshot 2023-10-13 165601
Screenshot 2023-10-13 165612
Screenshot 2023-10-13 165940

Hi @LML888,

I would advise to check if you have any visibility on the components themselves.


In addition to Victor’s suggestion, sometimes Adalo does some kind of visibility fart. Removing them and re-adding them with testing at each stage is the only solution sometimes. I think it comes when components or screens have been copied, cut / pasted.

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