Weather API - How do I set it up?


I am currently building a weather page in my app which needs to display the weather forecast for the users location (this is a completed property in the Users collection).

I’ve been provided with an API but I can’t seem to get it to work or even work out which URL goes where and where query parameters are required.

The weather API I have been provided is updated 4 times per day so I would just like to show the most up to date forecast for the relevant location.


Bump - has anyone done anything similar?

Still struggling with this - please help!

Hiya, I’m about to add this myself, have you watched this? (2) Use Custom Action Outputs to Add Location Weather Information to Your No-Code App - YouTube

Thanks for the link. I’ve seen the video a few times but I was hoping to achieve something a little differnet.

I edited my first post but originally I asked for the best way to handle an API thats updated 4 times per day. I was wondering if using Integromat to pull in the data and then just display the data based on the users location (as there are only a few) would be better. Otherwise it seems a lot of extra work for the database and adalo to call the API for each user and create a new record to be displayed (but maybe it’s not that bad?)

I’ve managed to get the API working now though so it’s a step in the right direction!

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