Web view component, error 403

Hie every body,
I make a list of drugs, and I want when I click on to show in another screen a pdf using a google drive link.
I use the web view component, and all the google drive link is accessible without any autorisation.
but when I click on I’m directed on the new screen but I receive an error: forbidden error 403.
Somebody can help me please

Hello, you might are experiencing this error because you haven’t generate the sharable link from Google Drive to embed this PDF file in a webviee component.

  • In order to do that, please follow these steps:
  • Select the file from Google drive, then click on " Share with others"
  • Select “share with anyone”, and then please copy the link and paste it into the webview component.

Thank you!

hie, thank you for your reply; but I have the same error.
I will descripe all my process, perhaps you will see a mistake :
I dowload an exceel file with drug’s name and link to download the pdf file (7756 ligns!!)
I use a macro in excel to download all the file in a folder
I upload the folder in my google drive
I use google drive api to create un excel file with name and the download link
then I upload this file successfully in ma adalo database ( name, url, in a .csv file)
in the first screen i put a custom list linked with the database, and add action when we click on to link to the second screen, where I put a web view componant
in the web view componant, I use the magic text to put the current url on.
And when a try , I receive the error
In adalo, i use un the first screen 403 , forbidden.
according to your advice, I go into my google drive and add the property that all file in the folder are accessible to anyone whom have the link.
I return in my adalo database and check that the links are accessible for everyone.
I retry in my app, the same error. I delete the screen with the custom list and restart in a new screen, but the same result.
Hope I will be more clear, but a bit long…sorry

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