What does the Add and Action>More>Share function do?

I tried asking Google and searched through all of the Adalo help documentation and still can’t seem to figure out what the: Add and Action>More>Share function does. It asks for a Source so I chose an image item in one of my collections. When previewing the app, I click on the item (in this case an image) and I get an error message that says “An embedded page at previewer.adalo.com says Sharing is not supported by this browser.” When I tried clicking on the image on my phone using the PWA it just doesn’t’ do anything. I was hoping that it would allow me to share the image in some way (email, text, or download) that was taken using my phone camera inside of the app I built.

Thanks for any help!


I believe this feature does not work on the PWA version, but it does on the final appstore submitted app.

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If the app was submitted to the appstore, do you konw what would the “Share” functionality will allow you to do?

Probably bring up the native share sheet - Would allow you to share with existing contacts and so on

This is correct :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Colin! So to be clear, there isn’t any way for the PWA to share or download an image to the users phone’s photo collection, just in the iOS and Android Apps is this correct?

It should work just the same on the PWA if being used on a mobile phone.

Thanks for following back up! For some reason when I initially tried using the share function using the PWA on my phone nothing happened… I just tried setting it back up and it worked this time. Do you know if it is possible to select multiple items to share at once?

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