My name is Jesse Haywood. I’m the new Community Manager of Adalo. I’m very excited to be a part of this community. I can’t wait to learn from all of you.
My first order of business is to make this forum the go-to place for community and collaboration. As users, I value your feedback.
So, what would make this forum better?
What other online communities are you in, and what do you like most about them?
Also, drop a link to your Twitter and I’ll give you a follow!
So I’m in the Glide community and in that community when we post a question they are replying fast. I mean that community is active always. But I see this community is not too much like that. So that would make this community better. So I suggest this Jesse
Welcome @jessehaywood, first off it’ll be great to have Staff presence here and much thx for having a General Discussion area, as this typically encourages users to chit chat around the product I found. But yeah in general, I believe more staff presence is sorely needed, and more communication around the Features requested and Performance are desperately needed.
Adalo is a fantastic kit that I absolutely love from price point to ease of use and yes features!
Hello @jessehaywood and thanks for being with us. I’m an Adalo user since his first times, and i always found this community very useful but so boring. As I’m also a Community Manager, but for a game (PUBG Mobile) i could suggest you some stuff that I would like to see here.
•First of all, more interaction between users, i mean, all the users here are helpful but sometimes they (like me) watch the topic without answering, waiting for an Expert or Adalo Staffer online for a better solution.
•More staff on topics, sometimes the answer is “Submit a Ticket”, but is a really painful and slow system.
•I would love to see some contests, like this month the one who builds the better notepad app will get a free month of Pro plan
•Instagram stuff/tags/share and YouTube, but i seen a bright improvement lastly
•Motivate users more to be creative. We craft Apps !!
•First of all, more interaction between users, i mean, all the users here are helpful but sometimes they (like me) watch the topic without answering, waiting for an Expert or Adalo Staffer online for a better solution.
I would probably say a new computer (to make more apps in Adalo ) or maybe an amazon gift card, or to summarize, the same prize as Glide’s competition.
Adalo provides so much already especially with Templates and such it’s a tough one, but aside from the material things I would suggest something like Expert help with your app for a specified duration.