I’m looking for some help. I’ve tried looking for an answer but I don’t think I’m wording it right.
As I wrote in the headline, When creating a new record, I want to automatically create a new collection with that records name. I have tried adding a new action just after creating the record, I don’t see the Magic Text option when naming the new collection.
Basically I have a collection that is and overview of collections, and I want to be able to add and delete the subcollection through the “overview collection”
I’m thinking that my approach is wrong and that there is a different way of doing the “collection overview”.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to create collections from within the app - it could be done only from the app builder.
But I wonder why would you want to have such functionality. “Collections” in Adalo is very similar to Database Tables in “classic” full code solutions; and it is a very rare case that one would like to create a new Table each time the record in some other table is added.
May be if you explain your goad someone could advice a better way to achieve it.
Im trying out Adalo for my company, and to do that I’m just making a shoppinglist app that I can test out with my family. I want to be able to have lists for different shops, and the ability for user to add/delete lists.
My thought was to have a list of shops, and then link from that list to separate lists for each shop. Does this make sense?
Thanks for explaining your idea. For this you don’t really need to create a separate collection for each shop; in relational databases (Adalo collections basically represent this approach) it is done in a bit different way.
What I could suggest reg. the DB structure:
Shops collection, with the fields
Shop name (text)
Shop details (text)
more to come (see below).
Lists collection, with the fields:
List name (text)
Relationship to Users collection: 1:many, meaning that 1 user can have many lists, but each list belongs only to 1 user. Reciprocal field in Users will be created automatically.
Relationship to Shops collection: 1:many, meaning that 1 shop can have many lists, but each list belongs only to 1 shop. Reciprocal field in Shops will be created automatically.
more to come (see below)
Items collection:
Item Name (text)
Item Description, price, … (what you need)
Relationship to Lists collection: 1:many, meaning that one List can have many items, but each Item belong only to 1 list. Reciprocal field in Lists will be created automatically.
NB: it’s possible to have other optional relationships for Items (to Users, for example), but it’s not necessary at the beginning.
After this, you might need to pre-populate the Shops collection with some entries.
With this structure, you’ll get the following:
User can create a List, which will uniquely belong to a User and a Shop. So one user can have several lists for several shops.
In turn, there could be several lists for each shop (belonging to different users)
After creating a list, User can start adding the Items to this list.
I highly recommend to read documentation at https://help.adalo.com, especially the “Lists” section, so that you understand the principles off DB and app design better.