What platform should I use to keep my mp3 on the cloud (google drive does not work)?
I used Amazon S3 to keep MP4s for the video component. The below video is how i set that up with the correct permissions. I assume it’s the same principle for Audio player + MP3s.
Hey @theadaloguy, thank you for these fantastic videos and I have followed these.
Could you help me with this. I do have S3 set up and it works great, followed your video to do so.
My only question is, do you know how to store this data but keeping the URLs secure so only the user that uploaded the video/mp3/file has access to that file in the bucket?
Technically in my case, my URL link has been set up with 50+ unique characters generated at random, and is never seen anywhere outside of the app. But in theory, this URL could be found by brute force etc.
Whats your thoughts?
Well the way it’s set up is it’s s only accessed from where you’ve whitelisted, in this case your Adalo app.
So in theory only the audio player in the app is going to be accessing it.
That said, I’m not any sort of expert on security so hard to say
Thank you @theadaloguy that has also been my approach for now. I have not made the URL accessible anywhere outside of the app. Keep up the awesome work with your videos
Thanks, good luck with the app
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