Win some coupons by participating in NoCode November!

Adalo is one of the participating tools in the NoCode November challenge, hosted by Typedream.

The rules are simple. All you need to do is launch a project by November 30th using one of the participating no code tools and you get a bundle of coupons for the participating no code tools and communities.

You can sign up here:

Get out there and get to making! :hammer_and_wrench:


Hi @jessehaywood ,

Thank you for responding the community by participating in this campaign.

To be as polite as possible, I would recommend exclusive campaign just for Adalo itself, like the old days when things have just started to get very exciting and praise were all over the place just before performance issues.

I was not there yet, but I can sense it by reading the forum and other websites mentioning Adalo. It was craze buzz.

Most of people are interested in this because of the free game that Adalo has given, so we can play around without paying while learning and imagining what these apps can help us in our life.

If something get attached then we go forward to spend some money and take commitment into higher level, and this is where Adalo can be more focused and bring out of the box ideas to stop the churn.

I am assuming right now, it is difficult to find people that never heard of “no code” term and “Adalo”, I talk to someone who has very little interest in application development but have heard “no code”, I will assume just a little while they will hear “Adalo” too.

So, making Adalo more public has been done, but bringing exclusive attention and reducing the churn will be the next challenge.

For me, the term of no code refers to application development that in the past requiring code to work, but now can be done without code. It does not refer to applications for users that should be done without code, adding no code to this applications is just marketing effort.

So much potential what Adalo can do, but time is against us, after we learn we need to show it to the world, otherwise it will be just playing game forever without the result or impact to our life which can easily be boring and stop playing.

Thanks for the initiative and information sharing.


Thank you for your thoughtful response!

We will definitely have some exclusive campaigns just for Adalo itself.

I just wanted to inform our Makers of this opportunity since many are not active on Twitter.