A social media where you can change your post to public or only me

Is it possible to create a post then change your post to only me, or update it later and change it to public?

Any assistance would be great. Thank you!

Yes, just have a true false property on the post called ‘public’. Then filter the list of posts to be public = true.


How to filter this on custom list? Thanks by the way.

Hi @gellomanzanilla,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Add the filter as Public true/false property>is true.

I have created a true/false property for Only Me and then filtered the list as Only Me>is false. I have added a Card List. But you can add the same filter on any lists! By the way I have flipped the Nathan’s logic :upside_down_face:

Thank you


Great! It works like a charm. Thank you so much.


Hi there! I see that somebody here already told you the answer. That’s great. The process seems quite simple. You’ll have to use one filter and that’s all. Tbh, social media is a real challenge for those who don’t have basic knowledge, including me. That’s why when it comes to SMM related questions, I always ask my daughter to help me. If she’s not available, I seek professional advice from social media experts, such as those from nlosmm.com. They’re great at their job and give useful insights on any topic.