ACVAUCTION Website Response speed

Can someone tell me how ACV Auctions (who uses Adalo as their website platform) can host millions of cars with thousands of users and still maintain such a quick response time between pages and scrolling. They upload 50+ pictures with each car and a audio file of about a minute of the engine starting, revving, and idling as well.

Do you have a link to their website?

I’m not sure their website is Adalo, as when you go to there is no loading spinner, and also some text is selectable. Their mobile app could be, but i didn’t try it.

I would assume they’re using an external database if their mobile app and their website are using different platforms. This might help with some aspects of scalability.

Also, if you are referring to data storage, you can use your own file storage system with Adalo, for example Amazon S3. Our customers on Adalify tend to be people with heavier photo and video requirements, and connect to their own S3 buckets via the uploader.

Well-built Adalo apps can have big databases too though.

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it is, i’ve been using it since they launched and I have even helped them with adalo in it. they use the same icons, lists, etc. Heres a screenshot:

when you shrink the screen you get this:

Now look at that bottom menu…cant deny that

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They do program their own components now that they keep as proprietary. I asked about it and they said they are using AWS entirely for it. So I imagine its an expensive AWS plan and Adalo’s top tier plan.

If the my use Adalo, then that’s really impressive. I never knew Adalo webs apps are becoming this good! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I use Adalo webapps for our internal tools. Just a huge database slows it down. I recently had to switch to budibase,for them. It has a learning curve and you need to know JS but it’s not as user friendly or as pretty but handles large datasets better.

It’s an impressive site agreed. Looks like they’ve put a lot of work into it.

I remember a thread a long time ago about achieving fast performance by having external db with server very close to Adalo’s, which is US east coast i think.

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