Adalo and make 3200 recorads

Hi, when using a record list in adalo it limits loading to the first 3200, I can’t find any way to get around it.

Does anyone know a solution to the problem (without using Adalo’s api)

Hi @nadavma2,

I’m assuming you’re using Make.

I believe that “List records” result size should be limited at 1000. This is Adalo API limitation. You can get all records by building an iteration scenario and changing offset inside iteration.

Maybe you mean “watch records”? Then yes, I’ve seen this on some project, Make module stops watching records after 3200. Apparently this is a bug in Make and I’m not aware of any fixes (only rewrite scenario to use list records + additional logic to get the latest ones).


This is about a list record, the problem is that it stops after the first 3200 - and apart from using the adalo api I can’t find a solution

@nadavma2 this is a limit which comes from Make, so you better contact them.

Apparently Make has changed the way Adalo List Records works.

As far as I recall before it was sending an API query to the backend, taking the limit value from “Limit” setting. At that time Adalo itself had a limit of 10K records returned.

Then Adalo introduced the limit of 1000 records max returned in GET ALL API call, so Make “List Records” module started to return 1K records max (with no possibility to use offset to get more). Then in order to get more records Adalo API call module should have been used.

Now as I can see Adalo List records return 3200 records, but under the hood it sends multiple queries to Adalo backend, with the increment of 100. So limitation come from Make, not from Adalo.

Either you have to use Adalo API call module, or talk to Make and ask them to fix the issue. Same issue exists with watch records module, as I’ve mentioned before.


Do you know how it can be done through the adalo api?

Yes, I did this multiple times. In brief, you need to build an iteration to get all the data.
First you initialize variables the final data array (emptyarray) and offset (set to 0). Then, inside iteration you make the API call with the offset from variable. After you add the resulting array to final array and increase the offset. And finally after iteration you get the final array with get variable. I might miss some details but the main logic is here.

Providing the detailed scenario in Make I believe is beyond the scope of the forum thread.


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