Adalo Trigger Notifications

Hi ALL, Specially the Ones who are Facing problems with trigger notifications.
I have suffered from this issue for over 10 days.
after building the app and releasing it to internal testers for both IOS and Android. the Trigger notification was working just fine, suddenly it stopped, I have opened a ticket but no help from adalo side for over 0 days, and nothing happen.

so I decided to check myself,
so what I did is I created another test app with 2 screens only for sending notifications and releasing it to internal testers. and again it’s working. BUT I noticed something new (when i send it to all users with one action) same problem come out and stopped.

I doubled check for the third time with the third app, same problem.

once you send trigger notifications to ALL USERS, the problem comes out.

is this a bug or from adalo side for security reasons ??
if so, does anyone know what is the maximum number of users I can send them in one action ???

Note: I Have fixed the number of users (1000).

please share with me if you have any ideas.

sorry for my bad English.

Pls can you send me a clonable app of how notifications work? Thanks