Adalo tutorials: customised password reset

Adalo has a great built-in procedure to reset user passwords. But sometimes this may not be enough. In this video I show how to create a customised workflow for password reset: this is done using one-time random code sent to user’s email.
The video is quite long (almost 19 mins), so please be patient and enjoy :slight_smile:

Note: the email sending is done via SendInBlue, I’ve created a custom action for that, based on the tutorial here, thanks to Vance Wong @vancewong : Send email with SendInBlue.

UPDATE: Based on my experience, making the button invisible (4:15 on video) may result in some glitches, when Adalo is slow. So I think having a list filtered by user email should be enough.

UPDATE#2: Important change, see here: Adalo tutorials: customised password reset - #12 by Victor

UPDATE#3: As Adalo has changed is logic for displaying lists when a filter is empty, it is better to change the logic on “Reset Password Step 1” screen:

  • make a group out of the list with users
  • make this group visible sometimes: it should be visible only if input (where user enters his/her email) is NOT equal to empty (just leave the second field blank).
    See the screenshot below:


Hi @Victor, I followed your video and I saw your UPDATE about step at 4:15 and I think the “same” at 13:50, my question is: even with Adalo performance improvements “today” still remains a good idea to avoid glitches the process of buttons just filtered without the “second layer with visibilty” ?

Hi @liba2,

It’s not about performance per se, it is more about the sequence of actions and when the visibility condition will be executed.

As I think now, having a list appear by itself should be enough. No item in the list which matches the condition → no list :slight_smile:


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@Victor, just 1 step (first one) is simple and enough, I agree. Thanks about the attention!

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Hi @Victor
I followed your tutorial but I can’t seem to be able to get any “Current” users, when I look at Update I only see logged in user and when I set Link to only happen Sometimes and I look at “This action will only happen if” I also can’t see current user. Can you tell me what’s wrong please? (I’m using Adalo’s users for this)

Hi @adalapp,

Which screen are you talking about, and which step on video (time) are you trying to reproduce? It’s a bit difficult to say what’s wrong in your setup based on the screenshots you’ve provided.

Best regards, Victor.

Hi thanks for your help.

At 7:47 you select Update > Current User.
I can’t see Current User only Logged In User

At 13:31 you select This action will only happen if Current User > TMPPassResetCode Is Equal To Form Inputs > Code Input
But I can’t see “Current User” there also. Only logged in user.

At 16:13 you have the custom action and for the code you use Current User > TMPpasssresetcode but I also can’t see current user.

I can’t see current user anywhere
Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @adalapp,

The button which should appear after user enters his/her email, sits “inside” the list of Users, filtered by “email is equal to input’s value”.
The set-up is done starting from 3:10 on the video - you’ll see how I add the button and convert it to the list. This is how you get Current User.


That works great, my bad for this error! Thank you :slight_smile:

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why the new password not send to user data after i link it to login page

Hi @bangsabangsawanresou,

As I can see you didn’t replicate the logic from the video. Step 1 is to enter email; Step 2 is to enter the reset code (which is sent by email), and Step 3 is enter new password + link to the login page.

Best regards, Victor.

Important update for those who have an access to User Permissions Beta (small shield icon here):

With the default setting for this beta, Step 3 on the video won’t work: you’ll see the message “Action can’t be completed”. The reason for this is that on Step 3 you set a password at the moment when you’re not logged in, so default User Permissions don’t allow to do it.

You need to change the permission like this in order to make it work. It doesn’t mean that “Everyone” will edit the password of the user - it means that for password change request Adalo won’t check additional permissions and proceed.

Probably I will create an updated version of the tutorial which won’t require this change.


Hi @Victor ,

I have done all steps , but it stops on the last step, where we enter new password and press reset Password button.

After pressing “reset button”, it says “Action cannot be completed!” Please check the snapshot attached showing the error.

@k86305 check your Collection Permissions has set to Everyone.



@dilon_perera , Thanks , it is working fine now after changing the permissions.

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Hello Victor, thanks for sharing the video. I would like to know if is it possible to use Hubspot instead of SendInblue to send the email?
Thank you

Hi @ahenao,

In theory it might be possible - quick search shows that Hubspot has API for transactional emails: Marketing API | Transactional Emails. I think you will need to use single-send API, but I might be wrong here. I didn’t have much experience with Hubspot’s APIs :slight_smile:


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Hi Victor.

Thanks for the tutorial, very clear instructions and it works perfectly.

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Is there a bug in the Adalo filter for database? I’ve created the customized password reset app as described in the video from @Victor BUT if the input 2 field is empty ALL user records are shown? It’s reproducible, please check the app here: LoginTest5

With that bug it is impossible to build a working custom password reset logic?

Hi @RonDeveloper,

I’ve updated the post, please see above.
In brief - Adalo has changed the logic how the list filters work, now if filter is empty it displays all items. Workaround above fixes this issue.


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