Admin Capability to View and Edit Other Users in App

Hello! I am trying to create an Admin dashboard that gives them the ability to manage non-admin user accounts. I created a user Profile page, but when I create a link to it from my user list, it only allows me to select the “logged-in user”. Is it possible for an “Admin” flagged account to be able to edit and view other accounts?

I am fairly new to Adalo so I may be overlooking something obvious!

Thanks in advance,

Screenshot 2020-11-24 175203|325x500

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Yes just make the button link only if admin is true.

admin true|690x419

CopyThat, thank you. It’s always the simple things that I miss! I appreciate the help.

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I like to be a bit explict in the name… Is_Admin? Is_Owner? etc

Please website link please