API request data from text input with line break

Hi there!
I’m trying to make POST request with the text from the text input field. If I make a line break in the text, Adalo will not send this request. The text must be entire.
I can make the test text a single line and in that case the request will be sent. But if I make a line break in the application in the text input, then the request will not be sent.

But users can make line breaks for make text more readability.

Hi @basssab,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Not sure about line break if that run the custom action or not. Need to check that!

But for the valid JSON problem I guess the problem is that you don’t has double quotes between the user_id , courses_id and lessons_id inputs added from magic text. Add them and try again!

Thank you

Thank you for reply! user_id, course_id has numeric value. It works properly. As you can see, when the text is on one line, there is no broken JSON.

I found a solution here Custom Action - Intermittently working (text input issue) - #8 by theadaloguy

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Yeah, its the multiline that will break your JSON.
It needs to be sanitized turning line breaks into \n
Seems like somethign that needs to be done by Adalo on form submit