App is extremely slow

Hi everyone, I updated my app 2 days ago and since then it’s extremely slow. I didn’t do Anan changes but I Increased the number of markers on the map. Could that be the reason why it’s much slower? It’s slow with everything pressing on any button takes 4 seconds at least (on all pages of the app)
Is there anyway I can speed up the app without having to remove the map markers?


Hi @striker :wave::wave:

This Conversation will help you @striker
Don’t add lot of actions for a button.

Thank you :blush:

Hey, it’s possible that having large databases and multiple number of screens can slow down your app.Try reducing that down as much as you can. Personal experience: if you have components like lists, try adding a maximum limit and enabling “Load item as user scrolls”. This has helped me in improving speeds.

No @aryan large databases and lot of screens are not slow downing the app.

I have a large database and lot of screens but didn’t slow down my app everytime.:blush:

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