I am new to Adalo and have a very simple app where I have a collection in which I store customer name and address. Then it links to another screen called site
All I want is to have my information retrieved in customers screen when back button is pressed on site screen. How can I make this? Please see link of my app below to clone
I don’t fully understand your need but would suggest this for a start…
Below your form inputs create a list of customers, sort it from most recent to oldest. Then your most recently added customer will always be at the top of the list. If you want to just see one customer, then set max records on the list = 1.
Thanks for your prompt response.
I made the changes and I am able to get the information in the list now. Please see the link below of app Try
However, what I want is this:
user fills the customer name and address
Then presses save and continue
Reaches Site screen
Presses back button
The input fields in form to show what he filled before he pressed save and continue
I want user to be able to go back in previous screen and see what he entered and then should be able to update the information too. Like instead of customer name as Apple, he can go back and update it to Samsung but before that he should be able to view what he entered in the input field
Once the form inputs are submitted they are then cleared - that is the way it works for a new record.
You could instead create the record before that screen and the input boxes become ‘edit’ instead.
This goes against the way that data flows in Adalo and at some point you will run into problems but if your flow isn’t getting much bigger and you can clear out the occasional empty record then go with it.
Option 1 is normal, Option 2 achieves what you want.
ok I think I figured it out. Was hoping for an easy solution but looks like in Adalo we need to use a list to display values and can’t directly display what we need in the form itself