Calendar booking (multiple days select with unavailable days)

Hi guys,

I’m happy to ask this question :slight_smile:
I’m really struggling with the calendar offers in the marketplace of Adalo.
Actuelly I’m creating a App for reservations, and I’m trying to do something easy to understand for users.
I would like to know if it’s possible to have / make a simple calendar with dates that are available (with a blue color for example) and dates which are not available (with red color for example).
And also where the user can select multiple days (as 1/2/22 monday to 5/2/22 friday). I’m not really looking for something with hours.

I hope that I was clear and that you’ve understand my struggle.
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hi @Yunae ,

One way of doing it is through custom calendar built using collections, so it will be using visibility inside list that is showing different colors.

I made example app called Komun template in resources category in this forum.

You can start from there.