calendar for marking users, choosing a free date and a closing date.
hello everyone, I want to make sure that users in my application have different access to the calendar (I use the marking calendar) so that some can book a free day and time, and the user the author of the ad where the date and time is booked can close the date and time booked by other users . The question is very open for me and I will try and look for a solution all day to make it work
i saw you did similar in homeschool app
Thanks for the replies and help on this issue.
This template is a simple scheduling approach, something like a Calendly or Acquity type of app.
For your situation, you would have “Authors” instead of “Admins” so a simple name replacement is all you need to do in the database and anywhere on the screens where it says “Admin” just change it to say “Authors”. Last, maybe change “Meeting” to whatever the users are booking in your app.