Camera (and camera roll) not working with native Android App

Hi All,

we have developed an app called “toolies” in which we need to access the camera and the camera roll of both IOS and Android smartphones.
We have already published our app to the app-stores, and with IOS everything is mostly working - but with android the access to the camera does not work at all.
We use the “Image Picker Pro” from nocode Monkey.
For everyone trying to help us and download our app: sorry, at the moment the only available language is german, multi-language is a whole other topic, that we are also not 100% sure how to approach.

Anyways, step-by-step: at the moment we could really use help and/or ideas how to set up the camera and/or the camera-roll for android specifically.

Update 1: the Adalo-native camera app (in any configuration) causes our IOS devices to crash.
Update 2: all devices (IOS and Android) are up to date and have the OS updated

Thanks in advance for any hints, greetings from Austria,

Strange the adalo native image picker causes a crash.
Post a link to your app?

Itsmi has a camera component too that you can demo.

Is the nocodemonkey component you refer to the multi image picker?

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Hi Rozza,

thanks for your answer, the app (in the appstores) is only available in Austria and Germany, in the Web-Version Previewer everything works just fine.
The component is called “Image Picker Pro” from the marketplace.

Anyways the preview-link to the app is here: toolies Copy 13-10-2023
I’ve made a copy that shares the same Database.

Could you send a link to the component from Itsmi, I could not find it in the marketplace.

Thanks heaps! BR Martin

Hi Martin,

There are a couple of camera components.

For ** Image picker pro** you’ll need to rely on support from the developer and if the adalo native camera is causing a crash then definitely raise a ticket.

Itsmi components cost more in comparison but I can vouch for their support :+1: :white_check_mark:

Good luck, sorry I can’t be of more help.

Thank you - you have already been a lot of help, appreciated :slight_smile:

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