On my application there is a list of conversations, each conversation has 2 users. I created in my database a relationship between Users and Conversation in Many to Many, a relationship between Conversations and Messages in One Conv Many Messages.
I have a button, when I add the action of creating a conversation between these two users, I cannot directly add the Logged In User and the Current User, I have to update the New Conversation twice and to add the Logged In User in one and the Current User in the other.
Then I placed a Swippeable List, in which I select Conversation List, however I cannot ask to display the Current User information.
What you’ll need now is a list of users embedded in the conversations list, use the filters as follows :
The list is a users list
-current conversation - users(members)
current user email is not equal to logged in user
If you do it properly, you’ll see the details of the other user on each list
I know what you means, I already did that in a Custom List, but in a Swippeable list, you can only chose what the list is, and can’t embedded users list
it’s exactly like a simple list component, you can chose what the list is of, but unlike a custom list, you can’t embedded a users list in it, maybe I’m wrong, but if it is, I paid for a component where settings aren’t showed, hoping it’ll match with what I want. I’m not very satisfied
Ok I know what you mean by embedded a list now, I misunderstood, I had to select the list, and “Make a list” in the upper left component settings to make a list into a list, everything is okay now !