We’re are trying to display multiple venues from our database on a map with no luck. We’ve set up a new, super simple app to test the issue. We have a few venues in our database with a location and a name assigned. We have a single page and are able to display these venues as a simple list. However we are unable to show these venues as multiple markers on a single map.
The map I set up as follows: Google API is set
Number of markers = Multiple
Marker Collection = Venues
Filter = All venues
Venues in the DB all have addresses within 5kms of each other
What we would expect to see is all of these venues as multiple markers on the map.
We are not seeing any markers at all.
Clicking through to a venue to display it on it’s own page does display that single venue on a map
Here is a link to our simple test app:
Here is a screenshot of our map setup:
Here is a screenshot of our database:
Please help!