Category's avatar to other database

I’m trying to make app with expenses, where you can add and check all that you spend money for.
There are various categories. So when you add expenses, you write amount and description and choose category from drop list.

I have two databases: categories and journal.
Expenses, categories and description are being added to database from modal screen on the screenshot. But I need to add to database journal category’s avatar from database category. How can I do that?

Hello, I made a very complete app of this, I recommend you take a look and use the template! you save time and money!

highly recommend getting Santiago’s template if you want a good base to start! it probably has all the features (and more) that you need, so it’s a great template to learn from

Yeah, great template and I think I’ll use something from it.
But I want to understand what I’m doing wrong.
Here’s database Category:

I’ve made a relation with database Journal, and I can choose in list’s settings category’s avatar column from database Category:

So I can choose the correct column with avatars but they aren’t being showed anyway in preview:

In the screenshot, the categories don’t have any journals in relationship yet. Is it possible you are referencing the journal’s category before a relationship has been set up?

My only other thought is you’re using an image format that may not be supported.

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