Chat Sender/Receiver Error

Hey all, I’m working on creating a basic chat feature in my app. I used the adalo tutorial as a guide (see below for link). The issue I’m having. When user A sends a chat to user B, user A can see what they sent via chat box, but it does not populate for user B. and vice-versa. If User B sends a message back to user A they can only see their sent messages. Any guidance to solve would be a big help!

Thanks so much!

Hi @Allison :wave:

If the list is Current conversation > Messages then the all messages has to show of that conversation for the two users.

And I copied the chat template and I did some changes. You can check.

Or you can clone the chat template and look.

Thank you

Hey @dilon_perera That was helpful looking to look at your app. I was able to monkey with the list of current conversations which now works and shows all texts sent between user a and b… but now it has started sending a second “ghost” message following every message sent. Just a blank message any idea why that might be?

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Wondering if maybe it has something to do with the actions attached to the send button… like the create notification action or something

Yep - please disregard. I removed the action to create a notification and the issue resolved.

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Your welcome :+1:

This is happening if you click the icon two times.
First one the input and second one empty.

Hey @dilon_perera,

Another question for you since you are a wiz answering all of the questions I’ve posted this week. Do you know anything about setting up the video calling feature?

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Your welcome :+1:

If you mean the video call component by @tylerssn you can watch theses videos.

And you can copy the demo apps that created by You can find them on here.

Thank you

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