Copy 100 item checklist to each user

I am creating an app to contain all the information to send a child to college–checklists for applying, college visits, packing lists, tips, etc.

How it should work:
A user creates their profile then can setup a “journey” for each child.
I have a pre-built master list of items in a collection called Tasks (100+ items).
I have created this master list of tasks to include items for each category (10 things to do when getting college apps ready, 20 things to look at while visiting colleges, etc.).
The user should be able to check these tasks off as they complete them in the run up to moving their kiddo to college.

I have a master tasklist, and I want to be able to create a copy of this list for each user’s “journey” - Tyler Journey, Stacey Journey, Lela Journey. One user may have several “journeys” because they have several children.

Key question: Can I (or how do I) copy the master tasklist - Tasks - into an editable collection when a user creates a new “journey” that they can then check off as each task is completed?

Yes, you can create a copy of your master task list for each user’s journey. When a user starts a new journey, you’ll need to set up an automation that duplicates the tasks from your master list and links them to that specific journey. This way, each user can check off their own tasks without affecting the original list

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@gabby could you please elaborate how this automation could be created.

Would love any more detail too!

If using online version, go to “File > Make a Copy” to be able to edit and keep track of your progress!

Is this work...?

The question is really how to automate making a copy of the checklist every time the user creates a new journey while using the app.

Hi @ubbohaus,

First approach will be to have a “task templates” collection which contain all the tasks templates (name, description, etc.), and “tasks” collection which contain tasks which are linked to an actual users; tasks are created from templates and have info about date, completion, etc.

Adalo doesn’t allow you to execute bulk operations with data in collections. So your options are:

  • use Collections API + external platform like Make to create a separate “copy” records for each user
  • use countdown timer component for this purpose (but as you have 100+ records, this will be slow and glitchy)
  • use a custom component to create data copy (but I am not sure if it exists).

An alternative approach will be to create new records on demand, so that you have a list of task templates collection, and you indicate which tasks are started or not. With this you won’t need bulk operations to copy the data.

Best regards, Victor.