Create 2 and more records at 1 time

Hi there,

Im working on a booking app to allow user to create a booking and select number of pax for the booking.

The number of tickets will be issued based on the number of pax selected i.e. 2 or 3.

Is there a way to create multiple records at one time in Adalo?

@Erik @Victor @James_App_Maker ?

Adalo Pro Plan User.

Hi Ron,

I don’t know if this is possible right now, but I’ll try to do it if I can. I think @Victor made a YouTube video about this before.

If it is possible, maybe it’s a new video idea for @Victor!

I dont seems to find this video that you had mentioned on his channel though…>.<

Yeah I just realized that but I don’t know if this is even possible.

Hi @ron,

As for me, I’d suggest doing this manually.
According to my understanding, the ticket should contain some personal info, which is unique to the exact user. So the entry in DB could be created upon submitting the info.
If this is not the case, when the number of passengers is 2-3-4, it will be easier to add 4 create actions and make them conditional (depending on the passenger quantity).

Mass creation with countdown timer is possible, but the whole setup is pretty complicated. I’ve made a POC for that, but decided not to make a tutorial - the whole process is quite cumbersome.

Just my 2 cents.


If they’re adding users that are already in the app, you can create a booking then have add users to the booking using a list of users and a toggle.

Hi @Victor
Can i check on this:

when the number of passengers is 2-3-4, it will be easier to add 4 create actions and make them conditional (depending on the passenger quantity).

How is this done in Adalo?
Im using a drop down for the number of pax and for the 4 create actions, are you referring to the form creation? or custom button with create action?

Thank you.

Hi @ron,

Dropdown doesn’t provide any way to do any action.

Probably at the end of the screen you have some button “Create booking”, where you have all the actions. So what I would do - I’d set up the actions for this button like this:

  • Create new booking
  • Create ticket #1
  • Create ticket #2 and link it to the booking (conditional: if number of pax > 1)
  • Create ticket #3 and link it to the booking (conditional: if number of pax > 2)
  • Create ticket #4 and link it to the booking (conditional: if number of pax > 3)


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