Create Record Troubleshooting


I’m creating an app for a retailer to keep track of their inventory by manually counting what’s in store and updating in the app. The flow goes: (1) User selects store they’re in (2) Clicks to add inventory (3) Options of products are shown and user selects the product they want to add inventory for (4) an inventory record is created which has a relationship to the product options (AKA SKUs) and the store they’re in. (5) User updates inventory quantity for that SKU.

My issue that I’m running into is that the relationship for the store isn’t being established, even though I’m setting the relationship to be the selected store (from the dropdown on the first screen). Any idea why this is happening or how to fix it?

Maybe the first drop down is cleared when you click the button and navigate to the next screen?
How about setting a relationship - Logged in User ’ Current_Store’ . Then referencing that on your create action.

Hard to say for sure without being hands on.

You could also have a list of stores instead of a dropdown, that way Current Store would appear in available data on your following screens.

Hi all,

the first drop down is cleared when you click the button and navigate to the next screen

I’d say that @Rozza’s idea is 99,9% correct. Inputs and dropdowns may be cleared after user leaves the screen, so one can’t rely on their contents. I’ve seen this multiple times.

Just my 2 cents :slight_smile:


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