Hiya everyone, how would one go about creating a page menu such as this? Is it simply a Modal swapping?
Hiya everyone, how would one go about creating a page menu such as this? Is it simply a Modal swapping?
I would make 2 pages, one history and achievements and make the tab as 2 buttons
Like pushingpandas says, i’d usually set this up as 2 separate pages, and set the screen transition to ‘none’ so it looks like you’ve just changed tab.
Perfect thx gents, appreciate it.
Hiya, I managed to get it working like you mentioned, but here’s a clip of something I was hoping to achieve, I like the addition of the animated line here. Is there a way to do this?
It almost looks like the content is hidden until the respective tab is choosen.
Animation is not possible but you can archive it by using invisible buttons, lines that you place on the active button and page transition to none.
Perfect thank you for recording this.
Its not my video i just found it on yt.
I just came across this excellent Clone kit Clone Custom Navigation to Jumpstart Your No Code App
wow awesome find! Thanks
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