CSV Export & Mathify | New Component from Adalomatic

CSV Export Component release :tada:
The component has launched officially. It generates an export button which allows you to download the collection as a CSV file. It supports both single collection and multiple collections ( multiple collection documentation is still WIP :construction:)

Mathify Component Live! :rocket:
I consider this a missing math component for Adalo. It supports a lot more math formulas and math conversation. Users no longer need to try hard to figure out how to convert some complex calculations into Adalo.

Free Component for all our customers :clap:t2:
To celebrate the relaunch of Adalomatic. Any customers who have made a single purchase at our store can redeem our Divider component for free.

Check out the news thread for our July release or visit our store to try out the two new release components


The CSV Component is absolutely awesome ! @knight was kind enough to give me beta access - creating CSV files with a lot of flexibility … top notch! Highly recommend!!