CSV upload not working (just me?)

Is it just me, or is anyone else having issues uploading CSVs? I have a tiny CSV file with a short list of items (245bytes) and all I can get is this spinning wheel modal of nothingness.

I’ve tried cloning the example app and using the CSV example from the knowledgebase, with the same result. I’m on the Pro (Annual) plan if that makes any difference.

Here’s what I get when I try to upload a CSV:

Any thoughts/help appreciated.

@kinio Eu acabei de fazer aqui a importação de quase 20.000 dados e deu certo. Eu tive alguns problemas e vou sugerir algo que talvez ajude.

Abre sua planilha de CSV com Bloco de notas. Observe se estão separadas com “,” se estiver com “;” substitua por “,”.
Selecione e copie tudo e cole no Excel. Salve como CSV.

Espero que te ajude.


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