I have policy buy date now I want to show date of renewal and day remaining to renewals?
I have tried but could not figure out . How can I build that?
e.g. policy buy date 31/11/2020 so renewal date would be 31/11/2021 and days to renewal would be “21/7/2021 (today) - 31/11/2021” = 130 or so days .
Problem is the next year renewal date would be 8/5/2022. so how to solve it?
Thank you,
I’m missing the logic of what you’re trying to show here.
If you want to show time elapsed: Today - PurchaseDate = time elapsed.
If you want to show time remaining: ExpirationDate - Today = time remaining.
If the date for renewal is random (like the 8/5/2022), where is that logic coming from? When the user purchases, you should capture the purchase date (automatically captured by adalo in the record created field) or policy start date and the expiration date. From there, everything should be custom formulas.
Thank you for reply and Apologies to not explain clearly.here is my case-
If you want to show time remaining: ExpirationDate - Today = time remaining.
Yes, it is correct in normal circumstances, in insurance case expiration year would be change every year.
I bought a policy on 15 June 2021 then first renewal date would be 15 June 2022 and 2nd would be 15 June 2023 and so on.so if I set expiration date 15 June 2022 , after 15 June 2022 it would be wrong . it should update automatically to 15 June 2023.
if I want to show day left to renewal, I would need to show data only from last renewed date to today i.e. úpto 365 days. I dont want to include time period from earlier years.’
Good morning…It’s a reminder or note taking app focused on policies…so we will assume they are renewing it on the time.so every time their date of renewal goes by we would assume they have renewed and renewal date should be now next year.