Data from all my apps database disappeared. Very criticle issue

Hey, same issue for us. Databases show “0 record” and when trying to enter on it, it’s keep loading.
On front end, it doesn’t let us get inside saying that email already exist.

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Hi @David , data are in my database but the some of them (the most recent) are missing.
I’ve sent a ticket yesterday and today i’ve made an update on Android and I have a blank screen for 10-15 seconds before the app show the first screen. The lists are also veeeeeery slow to load.
Can you please take a look on my app too ?

@STWEB @mathieu

The Adalo Team does not work on the Weekends.

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I probably should have raised my issue on a public forum instead of emailing ‘support’ (I was a bit of a newbie), it may have got some proper attention - it’s probably about 2 weeks later and I see the screen link/updates are still not working.
Good thing I decided to move on, just feels too risky