I am working on mobile app to have all grocery deals from various retailer .
Data base set up as follows:
User select city
Under city are category
Under category are various product.
From this list the user select the product
Now City and category screen are working fine.
However the with product screen , it show all the product and not limited to product in that city.
Is it possible to attach some screenshots of your Database and filters in the lists?
The filter that you have added to the Products list that you have attached as a screenshot should work! But I see that there is another filter or filters as OR. For what are that filters?
The filter should works! What happens if you remove the filter and reload the tab and add the filter again?
For nor information is it possible to attach some screenshots of what are the products should appear in the list for that currently logged in user’s city and what are the products that are displays now?
thanks a lot and appreciate your reply.
Earlier under product screen all product use to appear (all category and all city)
Now i can filter & see the product as per the user city , but need to solve filter related to product as per category. i see all the product under all category
please suggest , how can i filter product as per user selected category.
screenshot as follows:
You can add another filter as AND to the Products list like Current Product > City > City > is equal to > Current Category > Name. At the end there should be 2 filters in the Products list!
Does the Current Category Data is available on the Product screen? You can see that selecting the Product screen and go to the Available Data section and you will see a missing message of the data is not available and if the data is available you will Current Category!