Dropdown + search input to filter list (many-to-many collections)

Hi all,

I would much appreciate your help here.

I have two collections that are related, many to many.

Collection X and Collection Y. A record in collection X can be related to many records in collection Y and vice-versa.

Here’s what I’m trying to do in the same screen:
1- Have a dropdown to select records from collection X (no problem here)
2- Have a text input field related to collection Y (no problem here)
3- A list of all the records in collection Y (no problem here)
4- Filter the list according to the inputs from both the dropdown and the text input field

Here’s where my problems start:
1- When I load the screen in preview, no records from collection Y are presented
2- Only when I select an item from the dropdown is that I will see elements in the list
2.1- So how can I make it so that if the dropdown has no selections, that all records are presented?

The text input filter works fine, but of course, only when the list is showing records.

Here’s a Loom video with more details: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

This is breaking my head, so I would much appreciate anyone’s guidance with this.

Thank you

Hi @charleshope ,

For this, I guess you need to have 2 lists, first with filter and second without filter with visibility that count = 0 with filter.

It would help if you show your previewer and how you would want it to be.

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply.

I created this Loom video where I provide more details: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Thanks again.

Hi @charleshope :wave:

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

I created a app and you can check is that you want like .

Thank you


Thank you very much. I can see what you did there. Much appreciated it :raised_hands:

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Your welcome.

If it’s solves your problem you can mark it as the solution.

Thank you

That’s done. Thanks.

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Thanks and your welcome :+1:

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