Let’s say I have a list of 100 items, sorted based on how often users have liked the item. I know how to show only the top 10, by setting the maximum number of items to 10, but now on another screen I want to show items #11 to #20. How would I do this?
Thank you very much, but my problem is slightly different. My items are sorted on a count of how many times they have been liked by users, which can change over time and can be any number. So I cannot just filter the list based on that count being between x and y.
This would be an example. Note that the number of likes can change over time, so I won’t be able to set threshold values manually in the filter-settings
Thank you Yongki! Unfortunately this solution will not be sufficient for my problem, given that the ranking will change continuously throughout the day and I need to show the properly sorted items at any moment. So I would need an automatic solution. Any other ideas?