Followers property database not showing up in visibility

Im trying to implement the following/followers function on my app and have followed the tutorials accordingly. However, when trying to set the conditional visibility for the follow/unfollow button, the database property does not give me a option to choose as seen in the pics.

I have done the following steps.

  1. Set “followers/following” many-to-many relationship in my users database
  2. Linked “users profile page” from “users current post”

Thank you kind folks for any help!

Hi @Joey :wave:

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Same problem happened here.

Patrick said,

Actually our devs were testing the solution on Friday but we don’t ship things on Friday in order to avoid breakages over the weekend so it’s likely this will be ready first part of next week!

Thank you

Thanks for that @dilon_perera !

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Your welcome :+1: :+1:

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@Joey message from Patrick.

Thank you


Awesome! Thanks for the update @dilon_perera

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Your welcome :+1: :+1:

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