Free Template - Komun for Community Support - In Progress

First run for data testing

Rearrange screens on canvas

Add admin boolean field and deleted boolean field
Designated admin (admin=true in users collection) can add project and add participants to activitiy, as well as delete them.
Deleting project, activity, comment will update the deleted boolean field as true, which makes them hidden from the list, the exceptions are for activity photos and replies as they don’t have child collection to be handled.

Add Start Date and End Date as Date (not Date Time) in projects collection
To simplify users for picking a date without requiring asking time.
Start Date Time and End Date Time will be used to calculate Coming Soon or Has Ended
Below for more explanations

Add confirmation dialog box before deletion, marking complete, cancel participation

Start Date Time is updated for timezone offset, in this case UTC+7, so the fraction to substract would be 7/24 = 0.291666666666667

If your timezone is UTC+11, the fraction would be 11/24

End Date Time is updated by adding how many days between Start Date and End Date and added 1 day and minus 1 second, this is to make sure the date would cover all the hours just before midnight. (1 second is 1/86400)