Generate a Hex Color Code for use it in the app!

Hi Community,

Thought to share this video that I posted for a topic. It’s about Generating Hex Color Codes for users that you can do with a Free API!

Here’s a video that how you can do it : Random Color.mp4 - Google Drive

And here’s the API :

Currently, you can add this code on the Color Rectangle component that in the Marketplace and few custom components!

If Adalo release a feature that we can point the Hex color from magic text this would come in Handy! :wink:

I hope Adalo Team will release that feature soon to add it as a cool feature to our apps!

Hope this helps!

Thanks for reading!

Have a great weekend!


Great job bro

You should add text or audio to explain what you’re doing. I understand well, being an expert, but I feel that some other others may not understand what’s going on.

I may be wrong. Just an idea my friend.

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Thanks Mario!

Yeah I need to do this too! But unfortunately, my mic is broken and tried to fix it but can’t fix it and need to buy a new one! When I go to buy a new one there are no mics! Now in Sri Lnaka nothing is there! :face_with_head_bandage:

Hope I can buy a new one soon! Until that I think I need to use my phone as the mic :upside_down_face: ( One day I tried but it’s making another sound and can’t hear what I say. Need to check again! )

No, you are absolutely correct! Need to do a workaround until mics are available in Sri Lanka :rofl: