Hey all !
I need help about a feature that i want to do and i am blocked, i explain :
The app is an in-app subscritpion, with it you can have some reductions in our Store when you have subscribe (once reduction every 6 hour per store)
- How can i do a button on every store :
only subscribe-user can click once time every 6 hours **PER **store.
My collection :
You think that’s is possible ?
I don’t know if its really clear ^^’
Thank to youu !
Hi @Glasses ,
You can use conditional to do this,
![Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 10.53.18 AM](https://us1.discourse-cdn.com/flex020/uploads/adalo/original/2X/2/2542bbe8e179596812c43507baef6ce61ed7f985.png)
Have a base date time in users collection as an app wide variable, and compare it against 6 hours ago.
This is possible, but need more experiments.
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Hey Yongki,
Thank you very much for your answer !!
I found the solution thank to you
i am so happy
The variable is due to the date time in the store collection as an app wide variable.
Hihi so happy !
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