I just tried importing a collection which I had downloaded from another Adalo app. First time.
In the app builder left panel, under database, I selected “add collection”. It asked for the name of the collection, so I gave it exactly the same name as the collection I intend to import.
Then I opened the newly created collection and selected “import csv”. Chose the file on my device and hit open.
That brought up a screen with 2 columns: row and property
The row column showed the names of all my rows. The property column showed drop down menus, all of which only contained “name” “none” and “select”. There were no options to input the property name.
When I hit import, it said it was successfully imported, but no rows were created. The collection still only contained name, created, and updated.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to manually add all the properties before importing?
Help please!