How to create Categories that a Business belongs to?

Hi Adalo Community,

I have been struggling for days to create my Marketplace app. Something similar to Fiverr or Upwork.

My app has 3 Database Collections

  • Users (A user can be a Client or Service Provider)
  • Business Profile (A user can have one Business Profile)
  • Service Categories (There are multiple Service Categories that a Business can belong to.)

What I am trying to achieve:

  • When a user signs up, they can create a Business Profile.
  • Each Business Profile (Business) can belong to multiple Service Categories.
  • i.e. “Chico Design” can belong to the following Service Categories: “WEBSITE DESIGN”, “APP DESIGN”, “UX DESIGN”, etc.

My Struggle
I have been trying to set up the Relationship Properties to achieve my goals above

  • When the user creates their Business Profile, How can I get the User to select their Service Categories that their Business belongs to?
  • This will allow client users to filter a business by their service categories

Please help!

Have a many to many relationship ship between the businesses and categories.
(One businesses can have multiple categories and a categorie can belong to multiple businesses)
Have a screen that creates the business, after that have a screenwith a multi select, having a list of categories.

Thanks, Dylan.

I’ve gone up to this point as per your instructions, however, I am still stuck. I have connected the MultiSelect Dropdown to the Categories List.

I don’t know which (+ Ad Action) settings to choose for the MultiSelect Dropdown. This is what I did:

“Every time any item is selected”, then "+ Add Action ", “Update”, “Logged In User” ,“Business Profile” (See image)

Then the field I choose to update is the “Service Categories” (which is the relationship field), then I select “Add”, “Current Service Category” (See Image)

This creates multiple line entries into the Business Profile Database

I made a really quick example app.

Changed one thing tho, I created a many to many relationship between the users and Businesses (A user can have multiple businesses in real life anyways right?)
(Ofcourse you can disable this using your UI, if you want a user to be able to create only one business).

If you would like more help, or a call let me know!

Hey Dylan!

I can’t thank you enough. I’ve been struggling for hours to figure this out. You are a champ, and thank you so much for your time and patience!

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No problem! If you need anymore further help I am happy to assist.

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