How to generate a PDF using data from multiple tables?

Question almost similar to this topic, which doesn’t have any replies yet.

Basically there are Adalo tutorials using zapier, make/integromat etc. on how to generate a PDF. But there aren’t any that I could find easily that fetch filtered records from multiple different tables, and send to a single PDF generator service. Sample applications could be for restaurant orders, project management, etc.

I tried PDFgeneratorapi component in February for a demo app and it worked then. I tried today for a new app and it doesn’t work for me. I’ve been on their own support page for Adalo and tried their web app + mobile app. They don’t work for me on multiple different browsers.

Is PDFgeneratorapi as a product is active anymore?

Any solutions Adalo makers are using for generating PDFs fetching filtered data from multiple tables?

Hi @newbie_maker,
You can use Json Generator from Adalo Marketplace, that allows to generate JSON from several collections(up to 15 collection in one component). See the demo JSON Generate Template and if you combine it with PDF File Generator from Adalo Marketplace, that uses JSON as data source, you can reach you goal PDF Generator - Demo App