How To: Make Data Recorded by Specific User Shown ONLY for that User


I’ve been looking around on google, Adalo Forums & Youtube trying to find a guide on how to make the App behave such that it will only show Data recorded by a User, TO that specific User and no other User. Currently my App has a Graph that auto populates with all recorded Data but it shows all the Data available, to all Users irrespective of which User recorded recorded it.

Considering how hard this has been to find, this Topic will probably end up being a very useful material in the future to new or beginner developers like me once answered.

Thanks for the help and education everyone!

Jack :slight_smile:

Hey Jack, this is very possible and should be covered in the Adalo tutorials for Collections / Relationships.

The Data that you are referring to, I guess, will be coming from an Adalo Collection (Database). So to make that Data specific to a User (Collection) you must set up a relationship up between the collections (USERS) and the Collection (DATA) you reference above.

To do this add a new Property to the user collection:

Relationship > Select the collection that should be linked to the user.

For Example, If I have two Collections. Users and Photos. I would add a property to Users > Relatiosnips > Select Photos > Then select the relationship style. One to Many, Many to One and Many to Many. Again I would do some reading on this as it is well covered in the Adalo help tutorials

Once the relationship has been set up, you then will have more options to set these details within the List you are developing in the App. For example, photos now will have an Option Logged in User > Photos… Obviously, you need to set up a form for the user to upload the photos and set the ownership to the logged-in user etc.

If you have a list of users and you click on a user and it takes you to another screen with photos, you will also have an option to pull “Current User > Photos” this then leads to you making sure you have your data passing through the screens correctly.

I assure you everything you are looking for is very well covered in the documentation, I suggest you do some reading on :

Sorry I can’t be of more help, there’s quite a bit of typing to explain all the ins and outs of this process however these links cover pretty much everything you are looking for. You then can set up Collection Filters in your lists that will narrow data down even further.

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