Hi everyone, I need your help please for beginner like me . I want to know how to show " No result" for custom list when the list is empty . Plz Screens shot step by step or a small video in the same line.
Thanks you all
You’ll need to run a count of items to conditionally display a custom empty state group.
Here’s how:
Create a group below your custom list that contains your “empty list” components. My example contains a rectangle and a group which contains an icon and text.
Set the visibility to display based on the count of items used in the main list.
For example, I have a list of Logged In User > Items For Sale, with a custom filter where Sold = true.
To display the empty list group, set the visibility settings to Sometimes if Logged in user > items for sale > count, with custom filter where sold = true > is equal to 0
Thanks you friend . I try and get back to you
Flawless has added it nicely! Just posting this video that I made in the past for this question
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