I have created 2 databases (Product , Size).
I have linked them
When I click on a product I want to see on detail screen the associated sizes.
For this, On detail screen , I use a simple list component and a filter based on relationship.
But size component is empty.
What is wrong ?
Any help is appreciated.
Before adding the custom filter the normal filter was current product> sizes right? That doesn’t worked because I see that in your sizes collection the products relationship column is empty which mean that any products still hadn’t linked to any size. So you can link the products to size and you should see the size in the preview!
I have linked the 2 tables. But I don’t understand why the relationship column is empty.
The only parameters to fill are the tables to link and the typ of relation. But in my case, it is not enough to activate the link.
Are the matching columns defined automatically by adalo ?
You are using a many to many relationship? So a product can have many sizes and sizes can many products right? Now you can link them. So you can view the size collection and click on a record and you can add products in the products property you see when you click on a record in the collection. You can do the same thing viewing the products collection!
Then in the screen you can add a list and show current product>sizes. The reason you need a list because a product has many sizes and couldn’t show it on a single text component.
Yes. It works. Thanks.
But I have 250 products. And each product can have until 7 different sizes. Is there no way to link automatically each record together with a column index (column Refco is available into the 2 tables , in my case) ?