Lagging when pressed on my custom component list

Hello there, I built a custom component which represent a list of restaurants and when press on the restaurant should take me to restaurant detail screen, but after published when pressed on a restaurant it take a time before moving to detail screen, it make my app slow. can anyone help me ?

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Hello, does your custom component uses a specific API integration to get the restaurants or it’s getting the data from a (Restaurants) collection in the database?

Thank you!

It’s getting the data from a Restaurants collection in the database

Okay, so if your custom component doesn’t contain any additional features than the custom list component, you can use the custom list component.

Thank you!

My custom list contain additional features, I filter the restaurants to open, busy, and close and sorting the restaurant according to distance, so I created my custom list component instead of using three custom list component in the same screen without sorting, so I hope help me.

Okay, if you can please provide a video of the lagging problem that you’re experiencing in your custom component.

Thank you!

This is video showing the lagging problem which occurs when press on list item

(Attachment WhatsApp Video 2023-04-20 at 15.40.42.mp4 is missing)

This is video showing the lagging problem which occurs when press on list item

Thank you for providing this video. Can you please also provide an image about the linking action in the list?

Thank you!

When I press on item I just create an order and link to the detail screen, there are no problem with multiple actions, I think that the action from Adalo I didn’t configure it properly so it cause lagging, if you worked on a custom component before you may be able to help me

Thank you!

Please try to turn off this option in the image below, which you can find it in the linking action of the list. Please try it and let me know if the issue persists.

Thank you!

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