I have a question. Until now, the linkage between the database and “Users” was done using “Email”, but it seems that starting from a few days ago, “Full Name” is used. Are you all aware of this change?
Is there a way to revert to the original linkage with email addresses?
I don’t think that anything changed in Users collection. Value in the email field still has to be unique to each record. And you can have multiple user records with different emails but the same username.
You can rearrange the sequence of the properties on the left pane, when you select a database → then select a collection. Just drag the property to the position you But this is not related to relationships. The first property is shown as a “name” for the relationship in the other collection. So if you rearrange the properties in the other collection, you will see that the “name” changes.
Here is the example - I have the same relationships Services Many - Categories One:
Thank you, Victor.
I’ve resolved. As you said, the cause was the change in the properties sequence in the “Users” database, likely due to an accidental drag-and-drop (probably by me).