šŸ’ Mentions Text @, #, URL | New Component from NoCode Monkey

Hey Everyone,

Thereā€™s a new component from NoCode Monkey!!!

:point_right:Mentions Text (@, #, URL)

  • Display Usernames (@), Trends (#), and URLs with clickable text
  • Assign actions to the clicked text (ex. Go to Userā€™s Profile)
  • Choose highlighted text colors

See Demo

Nocode monkey posters


I like it, this a great feature.
Is there autocomplete as a setting? Right now I have to type the precise username or tag

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:shushing_face: In progressā€¦ This will be a separate input component.
We have a basic working version now but trying to see if we can improve a few features to increase the functionality.


No code Monkey is on fire. I want this!

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We can send out a cloneable version of this Demo Template to anyone that needs it as well. Itā€™s pretty simple to set up, but just in case anyone was worried.

Hi Michael and thanks for sharing

please send me a cloneable version

thanks again

Wow Michael! :clap: You are really cool! :muscle:

Can anyone suggest a great name for Michael? Maybe Component Master or Comp Genius? :wink:

is auto complete available now?